Flightlog Departure theory

Note: What you are about to read is my THEORY based on the Flightlog Departure trailer, this is not cannon!

I have watched the Flightlog Departure trailer a couple of times now and I have formed a theory… and it’s not a happy one. Basically everyone dies..

The trailer starts with a cutesy scene with them all in a bus driving to some unknown destination. It is classic GOT7, just seven guys having childish fun and making iGOT7 hearts melt. But then Junior sort of fades out… I personally think this is because they get in a car accident.
Then we get a scene of Junior being on some kind of road before fading out again and re-entering in a room with the other members. I think this is a symbol for all of them being unconscious and Junior was the last to lose consciousness.
After that the members slowly start to fly one by one. I believe this is symbol for them actually dying. JB seems to be asleep for a little before he flies. So he might be in a coma first and then die anyways.
Only Junior is left… I think Junior is the only surviver of the accident, but the grief is killing him inside and so in the end… he jumps off a building…

If my theory is true, than all iGOT7’s are going to cry. I hope it isn’t, but it makes so much sense to me!

Mental disorders in Kpop

Mental disorders of idols is not talked about very often in the kpop community, there is kind of an taboo on it. We often forget that kpop idols are human too with extremely stressful jobs! So today I am taking the time to discuss this issue, by explaining the most common mental disorders in among kpop idols.

Note: I will only use examples of idols who admitted they have a mental disorder. There might be a lot more who haven’t officially admitted it!

A lot of people believe that a single bad day or a little bit of a down mood is a depression, but this is not the case. Real depression is a mental disorder! A person with depression has an extremely down mood for days, weeks or even years. There tons of different types of depression with different symptoms, but they all share a basis of low mood and low energy.

Some popular idols with depression:

Park Bom (2NE1)
Taeyeon (SNSD)
Yoona (SNSD)
Leetuk (Super Junior)
Heechul (Super Junior)
Yesung (Super Junior)
Suzy (Miss A)
G-Dragon (Big Bang)
Onew (SHINee)

Eating disorders
With the pressure idols are under to be “beautiful” and “thin”, it is no surprise that some end up with eating disorders. Eating disorders are about more than just food. For a person with an eating disorder, not eating has become an obsession. People with eating disorders go to extreme measures to eat as little as possible and often starve themselves. This is to create their “ideal” body type, but the truth is that they will never reach this because the brain of a person with a eating disorder will always them they are too fat.

Some popular idols with eating disorders:

Sojung (Ladies code)
Park Gyuri (KARA)
Key (SHINee)

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder in which the person has difficulty falling asleep, wakes up often in the middle of the night, wakes up very early and/or wakes up tired. Almost all people have this sometimes, but people with insomnia experience this over a long period of time which leads to general tiredness, low energy and concentration loss.

Some popular idols with insomnia:

Jonghyun (SHINee)
Amber (F(x))
Lee Joon (MBlaq)

A person who suffers from an anxiety disorder lives in constant worry and/or fear, to the point where it interferes with the ability to lead a normal life. It isn’t clear why people suffer from anxiety disorders, but most times this is because bad past events (like bullying) or stress.

Some popular idols with anxiety

Sunggyu (Infinite)
Jonghyun (SHINee)

Okay, as far as I know there is only one idol who publicly admitted to struggle with self harm, but I did want to mention this disorder real quickly. Self harm is an addiction in which the person is addicted to hurting themselves, usually by cutting themselves. People who do self harm feel like they have no other choice but to hurt themselves, often to forget/deal with emotional pain.

Popular idol who self harms:

Key (SHINee)

Dear iKON haters… STOP.

There are a lot of iKON haters out there and today I am talking to those haters and telling them why they should stop. I am not even a iKON fan, but I find it sad that they are hated so much! They don’t deserve it in my opinion.. But others certainly believe they do. So yeah, I am taking the haters biggest arguments and put my reasoning against them. (wow so much for making sense, you’ll see what I mean in a second!)

Haters argument: Bobby is disrespectful and arrogant
Bobby is the rapper of the group and he has made some comments about other rappers in the past that look very very bad if they are taking out of context. This is something that happens a lot, not just to Bobby or iKON, but to all celeberties. Words they say get taken out of concept by gossip magazines to create the next big fight/scandal. I do not believe that Bobby would be disrespectful to anyone or hates any group. Because one, that would be bad publicity and two, he is always jamming out to other kpop groups. And you wouldn’t be jamming out to music if you hated it right?

“I myself am an idol and iKON are also idols. I did diss many people, but that wasn’t necessarily a diss towards idols, but my way of telling them “Let’s try our best together”. That way idols rapper wouldn’t be disregarded” – Bobby

Haters argument: They are stealing the spotlight from WINNER
WINNER and iKON are both rookie groups from YG Entertainment (one of the big three) and both debuted in 2015. And it is true that iKON was promoted for like three months whilst WINNER wasn’t really promoted at all. But this IS NOT IKONS FAULT, THIS IS A CHOICE MADE BY YG ENTERTAINMENT. I can’t tell you how angry I get when I see people use this argument! Both these groups are signed with YG Entertainment and it is YG Entertainment who decides which groups get promoted and how they get promoted. The groups themselves just follow the schedule made for them. So if you want to get angry about the fact that WINNER isn’t promoted, get angry at YG Entertainment and not iKON, because iKON is innocent in this situation.

Haters argument: Chanwoo is being bullied by the rest of the group
Chanwoo is the groups maknae and many people believe him to be bullied by the rest of the group due to a video of B.I hitting his cap off. I agree that B.I was taking it a bit too far in this situation and I can’t justify that. But it was only a one time thing and I am sure B.I felt super bad afterwards. What I can say is that Chanwoo is loved by all members in the group and if you don’t believe me, here are some GIFs of Chanwoo with his fellow iKON members.


Does this look like bullying to you?

My Produce 101 top 11

Produce 101 is a survival show which started with 101 trainees from 46 different agencies. 11 girls will be chosen in the end to form a girl group and for the first time the chosing is done by viewers votes and not a CEO. And now (5 episodes later) there are 61 girls left… And I think it’s about time I tell you the 11 girls I think should be in the girl group!
(If I didn’t tell which position I want them, it’s just vocals/vocalist. Because they will all be vocalists)

  • Kim Ju-na (Music K Entertainment) –Lead Vocalist There is simply no way around this girls voice. She might not be the a great dancer, but she has a vocal range that (in my opinion) is one of the best on the show. Really her first performance left a huge impression on me!
  • Ng Sze Kai (Chorokbeam Juna) – Rapper
    Ng Sze Kai is really a allround talent and would be a great in any girl group to be honest!
  • Dani (MBK Entertainment) – Visual
    Dani was in a girl group before this, so she has experiance which is great. She also looks a bit like Bae Suzy in my opinion, so that’s also a plus as Suzy is considered one of the prettiest artists out there.
  • Cathy (MBK Entertainment) – Lead Dancer
    Just like Dani, Cathy was in a girl group before (infact they were in the same group called DIA) and therefor has experiance. But also, Cathy is a really good dancer so I think she would make a great lead dancer.
  • Kim Se-Jeong (Jellyfish Entertainment) – Main Vocalist
     Public favorite Kim Se-Jeong is the publics favorite for a reason, really she has amazing vocals and on point dance skills. I would really like to see her at the center spot for a long long time.
  • Park S0-yeon (Cube Entertainment) – Lead rapper
    Park So-yeon is my favorite of the show so far. She is a amazing rapper and a great singer. She has a really unique voice that would help the group stand out against other girl groups. Plus she is adorable and has a great personality, she would definitly be my bias!
  • Kang Si-won (Individual trainee) – Leader
    Kan Si-won started in the F group and quickly became their leader. Later on she moved up in rank due to her talent. But that’s not why she stood out to me, it was because of her leadership over group F. She is a amazing natural leader, almost like she was litrally born for this position.
  • Yu Yeun-Jong (Starship Entertainment)
    Starship Entertainment is one of my favorite companies, because they really care about the amount of talent the trainees have. So it’s only natural that the Starship girls in Produce 101 are among my favorites.
  • Lee Hae-In (SS Entertainment)
    Lee Hae-In made a great impression with me during her performance of Irony by Wonder Girls. She is cute, yet sexy and has a great voice. She wouldmake a good female idol!
  • Somi (JYP Entertainment) – Second Visual
    I’m not gonna lie, a big reason why I want Somi in this group is because she is from JYP. JYP is one of the big three and having her in the group would really boost their popularity…
  • Pinky (Pledis Entertainment)
    Pinky is so adorable! I really like the vibe she gives and she has a amazing talent. She would just fit a cutesy girl group perfectly!