4MINUTE – ACT.7 album review

This is my first album review so bare with me if it’s not perfect!

For my first review I chose a 2016 album that I was super exited about, Act.7 by 4Minute. 4Minute is one of my favorite girl groups and I was exited to see them make their comeback after the mayor hit of Crazy last year.

The album consists out of four very western influenced songs. That are all very different, but still match together perfectly. It is an interesting album to listen to and would be great to introduce your non-kpop friends to!


Track one: HateThe album starts with Hate, the title song from the album. The song has gotten a lot of bad reviews, people claim it sounds like two songs at the same time. Personally I love this song. The verses have a dark vibe and focuses on the lyrics whilst the chorus focuses on the beat and feels a bit like “Crazy”. I think the twist in it makes it very interesting to listen to and makes it stand out against other kpop songs.

The music video can also be divided into two parts; the verses and the chorus. The chorus part is kind of basic and there is nothing really special to tell. But the verses are amazing. The music video shows some stunning visuals during the verses which all have a deep and well thought idea behind it.

Track two: No love

No love is the slower paste and more emotional song on the album. The song has a slow build up to a still calm chorus. The calm beat and relatively quiet background music makes the whole song just a really relaxing song to listen to. Their voices also sound very clean and harmonized in the song which adds to that vibe.

Track three: Blind
Blind is my least favorite song on the album. The melody in the intro doesn’t matches the beat of their voices at all and the high tone thing just makes me very nerves for some reason. However, I do love the rest of the song, it’s just the intro that puts me off. After the intro the song continues in a very western fashion with a chorus that shows of f the girls’ impressive vocal skills.

Track four: Canvas
Canvas uses a rhythm that gives the song a almost Arabic vibe which in enhanced during the chorus where the song is almost only instrumental with a strong Arabic vibe. Just like all the other songs on this album, the song has a clear build up to a strong and powerful chorus.

I like the overall album is a great example of the general 4minute concept. The songs on it just fit perfectly with their bad ass image. The music is a great mixture of pop and R&B with a strong western vibe that is found in both this album and their previous one. I personally love the direction 4minute is moving in and I can’t wait to see what their next comeback will be like!

My overall rating: 91%


THE EUBIN SITUATION and how it effects CLC

CLC is back with two new members, this would have been great if not for the fact that one of those new members is actually holding the girls down…

Okay quick backstory: CLC debuted in March 2015 with five members. The girls got some attention from kpop fans, but not enough to really become famous. The group is almost semi-popular at best. So Cube Entertainment added two more members to this group in the hope it will get them some more attention.
The new members are Elkie and Eubin, only Eubin is not allowed to be in a kpop group yet…

Eubin isn’t allowed to promote for CLC, because she is in a variety show called “Produce 101” by Mnet. This show follows 101 trainees from different companies to create one girl group named Produce 101. Eubin is in this show and so she can’t do anything else in the kpop industry unless she is voted out (and if she wins she needs to promote with the Produce 101 before she is allowed to promote with CLC). This is due to a contract she signed with Mnet.

The reason that this is a problem for the other girls, is that Eubin isn’t allowed to be shown in Mvs and her voice isn’t allowed on the radio with CLC. Therefor they had to release a short version of their new song “High Heels” (without Eubin) and will probably do little to no promoting. This is a shame as CLC is a talented girl group who could become big if only Cube Entertainment would wait to put in Eubin for another year…

CLC – High heels (My rating)
Song: 63%
MV: 42%
Overall rating: 53%