Jessica Jung signs with Coridel Entertainment

OMO! The Jessica Jung and Tyler Kwon scandal just got a little bit bigger.

Jessica Jung used to be a member of Girls’ Generation (SNSD), but she filed a lawsuit against S.M Entertainment in 2015 and ended up having to leave the company and the group (but not after a heart breaking tribute by the other girls). Rumor has it that her (ex?) boyfriend Tyler Kwon was the cause of this whole drama.

After Jessica left SNSD she did some acting, but mostly she focused on her fashion line. She also announced a solo album will be released soon. And now it’s finally announced which company she signed with; a surprisingly small one called Coridel Entertainment who’s CEO is Tyler Kwon. Yeah.. quite the scandal, right?

Coridel Entertainment has 3 artists now; Jeff Bernat, Playback (which is one of my favorite debut groups from 2015) and now Jessica Jung.

Personally I don’t really care which company Jessica signed with, I just know her solo album will be amazing because I am in love with her voice. And I’m sure all my fellow Sones also can’t wait to listen to her new music!