A girl pretending to be a boy goes to an all boys school to be close to her celebrity crush.. There is no way this could go according to plan…

Goo Jae-Hee is a actually a girl, but she pretends to be a boy to enter a all-boys high school and get close to athlete Tae Joon. Because Tae Joon is her hero, but he quit his sport (High jumping) after a mayor injury, from which he is recovere. But he just doesn’t believe in his dream anymore. A dream that has value for both Goo Jae-Hee and Tae Joon. So Goo Jae-Hee does everything in her power to get him to jump again!

This drama is cheesy and funny in all the right ways. Of course it is centered around a love triangle, but it also has a great message in it. To never give up on your dream, because it doesn’t matter how impossible it seems, it might just come true. This makes it a very empowering drama to watch and also very very addicting…

Miracle is another name for hard work” – Kang Tae Joon

“To the beautiful you” is a beautiful drama centered around love, friendship, lies and moving on from hurtful things to reach your dreams. I loved all the characters in this drama and no one started to annoy me (which is pretty damn rare).
The love triangle was done really well and it made me not able to chose who to ship! I WANTED BOTH GUYS TO GET THE GIRL!

Overall this show was just adorable and definitely worth the watch. You don’t have to be a sports fan to enjoy it, God knows I’m not a sports fan. I recommend it for everyone, first time kdrama viewers and kdrama fans alike!

My rating:
Plot: 93%
Characters: 98%
Romance: 87%
Feels: 89%
Overall rating: 92%